Add your page to the DUESERING


How to submit a site to the DUESERING:

  1. Fill out and submit the form on this page.
  2. You will get a message stating that you have been added to the Duesering QUEUE. This is not the actual Duesering.
  3. Have a member of the ring send me e-mail confirming that you qualify for membership in the ring (you have to be a member of a Due South online group - they're listed below).
  4. Wait. I'll check out your page and either add it to the ring or send you mail telling you that you won't be added and why you won't be added.
  5. If you are added to the ring, you will receive an e-mail message with the navigation code you need to add to your page to participate as a member of the Duesering. All ring sites must have this code on them somewhere. Just use a text editor like Notepad (in Windows) to add the code to your page.
  6. Add the code to your page and watch the hits roll in.



Submit your site to the Duesering 

Site Title:
Site URL:
Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.